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United States: Nearshoring Trends And Important Considerations When Looking To Mexico

As appealing as near shoring sounds in the day and age of a #vucaworld (volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous), it is a complex onion with various layers that needs peeling. Near shoring is a strategic decision that requires a complete #ecosystem change: Product mix, Labor availability & skillset, Technical Capabilities, Capacity, Logistics, CCC (Cash Conversion…

Any Transformational Journey Seems Daunting At First

Any transformational journey seems daunting at first. Supply Chain Innovation, Digital Transformation, Industry 4.0/5.0, Lean Management & Operational excellence,… These are just a handful of many disruptions going on throughout organizations. Transformational journey’s are all about people. The visual bellow applies both at a team as well as an individual level. Never lose sight of…